White Papers
Drew, J.M., Bartels, S. & Herrington, V. (2023).
Leadership for wellness: A strategy for developing police and public safety leaders.
Leadership Development White Paper.
A Collaboration between Griffith Criminology Institute, Griffith University and AIPM. AIPM: Sydney
Special Editions
Police leadership: An Australasian Commentary.
Policing: A journal of policy and practice, 10(1).
Herrington, V. (2016)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/police/pav048
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Auke J van Dijk, Victoria Herrington, Nick Crofts, Robert Breunig, Scott Burris, Helen Sullivan, John Middleton, Susan Sherman & Nicholas Thomson (2019).
Law enforcement and public health: recognition and enhancement of joined-up solutions
The Lancet
Victoria Herrington & Joseph A. Schafer (2019)
Preparing individuals for leadership in Australasia, the United States, and the UK, Police Practice and Research
Police Practice and Research,An International Journal
Volume 20, Issue 3: Police Education, pp. 240-258
DOI: 10.1080/15614263.2019.1598069
Abby McLeod, Victoria Herrington, (2017)
Valuing different shades of blue: From diversity to inclusion and the challenge of harnessing difference
International Journal of Emergency Services
Vol. 6 Issue: 3, pp.177-187
Herrington, V. (2016)
The importance of evidence based policing for the thinking professional police officer
Police Science: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Evidence Based Policing, Vol 1(1), p 13-18.
Herrington, V. (2016)
Equivalence, equality and equity for prisoners with a borderline intellectual disability
Journal of Criminological Research Policy and Practice. Vol. 2 (3), pp.217 – 227.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JCRPP-02-2016-0002
Herrington, V. and Colvin, A. (2016)
Police leadership for complex times
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice
10(1), pp7-16.
Police leadership in 2045. The value of Education in Developing Leadership
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice
10(1), pp 26-33.
McLeod, A. and Herrington, V. (2016)
Fostering Police Leadership Capacity in Solomon Islands: Understanding the Challenges to Organizational Reform
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice
10(1), pp 44-54.